The Fairy of the Forest of our Wishes   
Corny Held

It was fall and I walked through the forest one day
when a fairy emerged from the fog on my way
She was lovely and friendly and I heard her say
"Hi, I'm Silvia, have a nice day.

I just heard your humming of a song
I liked the tune somehow - say, do you long
for something great and hard to get?
You must have a greatest wish, I bet."

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy
Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

I thought I was dreaming, but she looked so real
I was puzzled, confusion was all I could feel
But she liked my song, that had some appeal
I started to let myself in for the deal.

"Have you got wishes?" She wanted to know
but I was excited, and speechless, and so
she went on, I still couldn't believe it was true,
"which one is the most important for you?"

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy

Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

Sure I had wishes, my heartbeat went fast
I started to think, and to weigh, and contrast
I just couldn't decide which one was the best
Silvia felt that and she could suggest

"Think it over until you're fixed, now go home -
Be thorough, be positive, and decide all alone.
Come back to this place, call my name, I'll be here."
And into the fog she had disappeared.

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy
Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

I considered, valued and sorted, ruled out
Silvia grants me a wish all my thoughts were about
which one was important enough to forget
about all the rest, and then I was set.

The forest now transparent, winter was near,
Silvia was waiting for me to appear.
"What you really wish for - do you now know?
You don't have to tell me, just say yes or say no."

The greatest wish - Sylvia had said
The greatest wish - I'd ever had
The greatest wish - that did not sound bad
And you know - she was a fairy
Well, she was a fairy
Yes - she was the fairy
of that forest

"You fulfil a wish you don't know?" I asked,
And slowly dissolving, she said "That's not my task.
I never promised to do that for you
I just want you to know, and to know what's to do.

I'm glad I could help, it's now up to you
your target is set, you must make it come true
I know you can manage, good luck, bye, my friend."
I went on through the forest around the next bend.

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